Yearly Dues of $250, reduced by 1/2 to $125
Note: Renewal will be $250 in January.
One time Application Fee: $60
Paying by Credit Card, add $7 for a total of $192 or mail $185 to address below.
(Online payments temporarily disabled - email for more information)
Mailing Address: Astoria Yacht Club, PO Box 323, Astoria Yacht Club 97103​
All submissions must be accompanied with an application, via website, by mail or email & will be reviewed by the Board at the monthly meeting.
Click for the description of Classes & Entitlement as per the Bylaws of the Astoria Yacht Club
There shall be two classes of members in this Club “Full Membership” and “Associate Membership”.
Use the comment box on the form below to list the following additional information:
Volunteer Time Required - 5 hours - Opportunities please note areas of interest:
Newsletter: Submit content and/or help with putting out the newsletter.
Help out on the Signal Boat during race season.
Educational Series Fall through Spring: Submit ideas or give a talk.
Open House (April): Help with the preparations and/or stop by and talk to our guests about the club, tour your boat.
Events: Help plan and/or decorate at the monthly events.
Regatta Boat Parade (August): Decorate and enter your boat.
Brew Fest (September) : Help with the pretzel making! It’s a great fund raiser for the Club.
Club Cleanliness/Maintenance
Membership: Give feedback, help with connecting to current and potential members
Rallies Downtown June—September: Boats needed to take out people interested in sailing or sailors without boats.
Racing: Bring your boat or join a crew. ​