Click for the description of Classes & Entitlement as per the Bylaws of the Astoria Yacht Club
There shall be two classes of members in this Club “Full Membership” and “Associate Membership”.
One time Application Fee: $60
Yearly Dues: $250
Paying by Credit Card, add $12 for a total of $322 or follow mailing instructions.
(​Online payments have been temporarily disabled - email for more information)​
Mail check: $310 Astoria Yacht Club, PO Box 323, Astoria Yacht Club 97103
(Checks may be mailed to the Club)
Volunteer Time Required: 5 hours
All submissions must be accompanied with an application, via website, by mail or email
& will be reviewed by the Board on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Use the comment box on the form below to list the following additional information:
Volunteer opportunities - please note areas of interest
Newsletter: Submit content and/or help with putting out the newsletter.
Help out on the Signal Boat during race season.
Educational Series Fall through Spring: Submit ideas or give a talk.
Open House (April): Help with the preparations and/or stop by and talk to our guests about the club, tour your boat.
Events: Help plan and/or decorate at the monthly events.
Regatta Boat Parade (August): Decorate and enter your boat.
Brew Fest (September) : Help with the pretzel making! It’s a great fund raiser for the Club.
Club Cleanliness/Maintenance
Membership: Give feedback, help with connecting to current and potential members
Rallies Downtown June—September: Boats needed to take out people interested in sailing or sailors without boats.
Racing: Bring your boat or join a crew.
After July 1st, 1/2 Year Special: Application fee - $30/Dues $125/$7 CC Fee - Renewal is $250 in January.